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  • I loved this book! I am not someone who reads tons of books and I have been known to start and not finish them in the past!!! This was not the case with FOUR. (Goodreads)
  • Sylvie has a very vivid imagination which you will see for yourself when you read FOUR. (Goodreads)



Books available at Indigo Dix-30

Posted 10/11/2016

Big News! After years of dreaming this. An amazing beautiful fairy (Debra Aubin) working at the Indigo Dix-30 store in Brossard Quebec, has made it into a reality.

My books; Four - Four sisters. Four witches. Four executions. Four different deaths. and The Prophecy of the Four are now available in their store.

When I saw them on the shelves, my throat squeezed shut. To see the achievement of a dream after more than ten years of labor, of swimming against the tide of people saying I would never get anywhere, that I should quit because it would never happen.

Dreams are events that have yet to happen. With hard work, belief in what you are doing and taking baby steps along the way will get you where you want to be, everytime. Oh and a little bit of praying never hurt. I am a big fan of asking the big Kahuna exactly what it is I need to get ahead. And it works.

I know, somewhere in heaven, my mom is making a happy dance.

What's next on my wish list of things to accomplish? Movies! I want to see my books in movies. Yes, I know crazy right? That's what they said when I put pen to paper more than ten years ago and now its on a store shelf.

Call me crazy, if you must, but I won't be there to listen. I'll be too busy living life my own way and on my own terms.

