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  • I loved this book! I am not someone who reads tons of books and I have been known to start and not finish them in the past!!! This was not the case with FOUR. (Goodreads)
  • Sylvie has a very vivid imagination which you will see for yourself when you read FOUR. (Goodreads)




Four sisters. Four witches. Four executions. Four different deaths.


Tome I - Four Trilogy

In Medieval England, the arrival of a new clergy in a sleepy village will bring death sentences to the four sisters who live in the woods. The siblings, whom everyone knows but dares not speak of, for fear of angering their priest and being judged harshly by the other villagers.

For generations, the women have held a fragile agreement with the clergymen; as long as they stayed away from the village, the church would not declare a witch hunt. But when the fragile accord is broken, a new priest to the village with a thirst for blood and revenge towards Nostra — the oldest of the sisters — will stop at nothing to destroy them. Through clever manipulation, he will have the women arrested; wrongly accusing them of many sins. The women are sent to the high tower to await their executions scheduled for the next morning.

Throughout the night, the secret intertwined lives of the sisters and the true reason that they are to be killed will be told; as deep-rooted frustrations and anger among the siblings escalates and accusations are thrown about, Kelsa, the quietest of the four; due to her gift of speaking with the dead, has but a few precious hours to unlock the painful memories and dreams breathing inside every one of them. She alone longs for death to come and will need to convince the sisters to accept their predicament before they are to walk into the mist of death.

As dawn rises and Nostra plans her revenge toward the Black Robe, the sisters say their last goodbye. Heads held high, they stand united as they face their executioner, but fate has one last cruel request  …  .


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Publisher: FL Press
ISBN: 978-0-9865503-0-0