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  • I loved this book! I am not someone who reads tons of books and I have been known to start and not finish them in the past!!! This was not the case with FOUR. (Goodreads)
  • Sylvie has a very vivid imagination which you will see for yourself when you read FOUR. (Goodreads)



An author who paints and a painter who writes

Posted 1/5/2016

2016 is here, finally! I have been waiting to kick 2015 to the curb for quite some time as it has been a difficult year on many fronts.

A friend mentioned; I am a year 1 when it comes to numerology (I write about witches and therefore of course I would find the subject  interesting). It basically means; a new cycle is about to start filled with amazing potential and new beginnings. I am very proud to announce that  I will be officially launching my career as an artist in 2016.

The importance of writing is still right up there with my brushes and canvas in my creative process and my next book Hope is coming along nicely. I came to the realisation last year that I am an author who paints and a painter who writes and to try and separate the two would mean the slow death of what makes me who I am.

I always believed I needed to either be a writer or an artist and not both (silly right?). It requires a lot of scheduling especially when you have a young family who counts on you but it is achievable. If you are curious as to what kind of art I am producing (it usually says a lot about an artist) my work will soon be available to be viewed and be purchase on line.